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British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)

Rocket (and beetroot) science: dietary nitrate and exercise performance

Rocket (and beetroot) science: dietary nitrate and exercise performance

What relevance does dietary nitrate (i.e., beetroot juice) have for endurance exercise performance? And does nitrate have the power to help improve cardiovascular and metabolic health? read more
For better or for worse – how has sport biomechanics influenced the game of cricket?

For better or for worse – how has sport biomechanics influenced the game of cricket?

This webinar will describe how sport biomechanists have influenced the game of cricket in the key areas of performance enhancement, injury prevention and regulatory assessment. read more
The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

Recording now available. The aim of this webinar was to explore the literature regarding the influence physical qualities may have on match activities and post-match fatigue in players of rugby and other contact sports. read more
Isokinetic Dynamometry for assessment of muscle strength and joint function

Isokinetic Dynamometry for assessment of muscle strength and joint function

The assessment of muscle strength by measuring the joint moment using isokinetic dynamometry is affected by a number of mechanical and neuromuscular factors. read more
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)

Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)

Physical exercise impact on mental health and why the UK government is right in saying ‘no health without mental health’. read more
Practitioners: The Missing Link Between Public Health Policy and Physical Activity.

Practitioners: The Missing Link Between Public Health Policy and Physical Activity.

Sports and performance is exciting – achieving the very best that can be achieved always is – but the other side of this is the modest improvement in the general public’s health that will improve the quality of life throughout the country, reduce demands on health and social services, and improve productivity in the workplace. read more
Getting into exercise prescription for chronic disease. 

Getting into exercise prescription for chronic disease. 

The aim of this webinar was to provide an introduction into exercise prescription and to equip students, health professionals, exercise instructors and private and public sector workers involved in physical activity, with an understanding on the benefits of exercise prescription in chronic disease. It also detailed the career opportunities available in exercise prescription. read more
Rehabilitating the athlete not just the injury: The psychology of sports injury rehabilitation.

Rehabilitating the athlete not just the injury: The psychology of sports injury rehabilitation.

This webinar introduced key psychosocial considerations during sports injury rehabilitation and subsequently shared practice around how psychosocial and physical/physiological rehabilitation can be intertwined, in order to rehabilitate the athlete, not just the injury. read more
Practical and meaningful biomechanics in the applied world

Practical and meaningful biomechanics in the applied world

Applications of biomechanics to elite and youth populations – experiences, considerations and practical advice. read more
Developing Resilience: From Theory to Practice

Developing Resilience: From Theory to Practice

Based on three decades of resilience theory and research, we present a programme of mental fortitude training for persons wishing to develop resilience for sustained success. read more
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