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Health Care in Exercise and Sport



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Activate multiple muscle groups to challenge your balance
6.1 Frog Jump. Equipment: None. Exercise Focus: Activates the muscles in the legs and core.
Athletes experience health benefits of training, with some risk
It has been demonstrated that exercise training in previously sedentary individuals has beneficial effects in terms of reducing the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) (Nieman et al. 1990; Nieman, Hensen, et al. 1993).
Case study: Right-sided cervical spine pain
A 45-year-old female presents to your clinic reporting right-sided cervical spine pain that runs down the right arm. She reports that the symptoms began about 2 months ago while she was at work.
Does barefoot running cause injuries?
Barefoot running, or running in a minimalist shoe, has received increasing attention within the popular media over the past several years.
Increase flexibility with deep water exercises
7.1 Deep-Water Flotation Jack. Equipment: Flotation belt or pool noodle. Exercise Focus: Activates the muscles in the legs and core.
Learn the basics of myofascial release
MFR has origins in soft tissue mobalisation, osteopathy, physical therapy, craniosacral therapy and energy work, among others, and all have become subtly blended to form what has been known as Myofascial Release for a number of decades.
Learn the transverse process of C2 to C7
Positions: Patient: supine, with the cervical spine in neutral. Clinician: standing or sitting at the head of the table.
Noninvasive methods of examining muscle architecture and quality
A relatively new noninvasive method to investigate changes in muscle architecture is becoming popular. The use of ultrasonography to image muscle structure has proven to be a valid and reliable method of examining changes in muscle.
Provide an estimate of total body volume with hydrostatic weighing
Hydrostatic weighing (HW) is a valid, reliable, and widely used laboratory method for assessing total Db. Hydrostatic weighing provides an estimate of total body volume (BV) from the water displaced by the body’s volume.
Recommended balance training programs for older adults
The ACSM’s 2008 "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans" suggests balance training at least 3 days a week for inactive and active older adults (\gte\65 yr). In a position statement on exercise for older adults (Chodzko-Zajko et al. 2009), the ACSM also recommended that older adults engage in balance activities at least two times week.
Road map to understanding patients and their associated pathomechanics
Now that we have discussed many interrelationships among various clinical and biomechanical factors, we hope you are gaining an appreciation for the complexity of comprehensive analysis of the entire lower extremity.
Simple stages of myofascial release technique application
Always prepare yourself, both mentally and physically, to treat a client. You do this by setting, and acting on, a therapeutic goal and using constructive communication and good dialoguing skills.
Supplementation in stimulating muscle protein synthesis
The two most common whole proteins used in dietary supplements are casein and whey.
Technology can boost physical activity promotion  
Technology is a double-edged sword. Computers, for example, contribute to sedentary leisure-time behaviors (e.g., playing seated computer games). On the other hand, technology has been used to promote physical activity and change exercise behavior.
The importance of palpation as a component of examination
Palpation is a psychomotor skill and should be viewed as a component of the examination process.
Training variables for running can lead to overuse injuries
The training variables most often identified as risk factors for overuse running injuries include running distance, training intensity, rapid increases in weekly running distance or intensity, and stretching habits.
Treating depression and anxiety with exercise
It is important to understand the dose, type and context of exercise that are necessary or ideal for effectively treating depression and anxiety.

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