Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.



Student Resources

Accessing your online materials

Accessing your online materials

Our access instructions for online resources with key codes have recently changed and may be different than your current instructions. Please review the following!

Instructors: Access to ancillary materials is granted by your sales representative. If you do not have access, please fill out the online form or contact your sales rep.


Students: Most Human Kinetics online materials require you to enter a unique key code to unlock and access the product. You will have a key code under any of the following conditions:

  • You purchased a new print book with an online resource from either the HK Web site or from a bookstore.
  • You purchased access to an online resource from a bookstore.
  • You purchased access to an e-book from a bookstore.

If you purchased a used book, the key code will no longer unlock the online resource. You may purchase the online resource as a separate component through the Human Kinetics Web site. A key code is not provided when an online product is purchased through the HK Web site, so you may skip steps 3 through 5 below or follow the instructions provided on the Order Confirmation page.


To access your product(s), follow the steps below:
(or see more detailed and illustrated step-by-step instructions)

  1. Create an Account with Human Kinetics, activate the account, and sign in. If you already have an account, just sign in.
  2. Go to the specific Web site associated with your product. Or, find your product on our list of Human Kinetics ancillary product sites.
  3. In the left column of your book’s site is a list of “Ancillary Items.” In that column, click on “Enter Key Code.”
  4. Locate your key code. It is printed on a letter that is either bound in your print book or shrink-wrapped separately.
    It will look similar to this: AUTHORLASTNAME-ABCDEFGH-9999999999
  5. Enter the key code in the text box and click Submit.
  6. The product(s) is unlocked and will appear as a link in the left column. Click on the link to access the product. On future visits to the site, all you need to do is sign in and follow the link!
  7. For e-books: After entering the key code and clicking on the “E-Book” link in the left column, you will be directed to instructions for downloading the e-book and Adobe Digital Editions reader to your computer. Once your e-book is downloaded, you may access it directly from your computer—you will not need to access it through the HK site. You will, however, need to sign in to the HK site to access any other online product, such as a student resource or study guide.

Welcome to the Human Kinetics Legacy Platform
Online Product Access Steps

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