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Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.


Kinesiology/Exercise and Sport Science Webinars

Getting on Track: Assessing Body Composition

Getting on Track: Assessing Body Composition

In this webinar, learn the methodology and sources of error inherent in several measurement techniques, as well as protocols for standardization and advantages and limitations of each method. read more
Quantifying Bivariate Plots in Sports Biomechanics

Quantifying Bivariate Plots in Sports Biomechanics

This webinar explored different approaches to analysing data in bivariate plots, including using RMSD, vector coding and CI2. read more
An integrated approach to the analysis of injury mechanisms in sport impacts

An integrated approach to the analysis of injury mechanisms in sport impacts

This webinar looks at the high and repetitive biomechanical demands contact sports typically impose on the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. It presented the integrated approach taken by RS@Bath in the study of sports collisions. read more
Investigating and preventing sport-related ankle sprain injury

Investigating and preventing sport-related ankle sprain injury

Ankle sprain is common in sports and therefore it is worth investigating and preventing. The webinar will first cover a series of biomechanics studies on ankle inversion sprain mechanism. read more
Overtraining from a Functional Health Perspective

Overtraining from a Functional Health Perspective

This webinar looked at Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) from an exercise physiology perspective. It also looked at the importance that training load, sleep quality and stress management has on an athlete’s performance/development. read more
Women, Sport, & Equality in the 21st Century: An Ongoing Conversation

Women, Sport, & Equality in the 21st Century: An Ongoing Conversation

Ellen Staurowsky discusses gender equality in sport. read more
For better or for worse – how has sport biomechanics influenced the game of cricket?

For better or for worse – how has sport biomechanics influenced the game of cricket?

This webinar will describe how sport biomechanists have influenced the game of cricket in the key areas of performance enhancement, injury prevention and regulatory assessment. read more
The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

The importance of well-developed physical qualities for rugby players

Recording now available. The aim of this webinar was to explore the literature regarding the influence physical qualities may have on match activities and post-match fatigue in players of rugby and other contact sports. read more
Isokinetic Dynamometry for assessment of muscle strength and joint function

Isokinetic Dynamometry for assessment of muscle strength and joint function

The assessment of muscle strength by measuring the joint moment using isokinetic dynamometry is affected by a number of mechanical and neuromuscular factors. read more
Treatment of Running Injuries Using Gait Analysis

Treatment of Running Injuries Using Gait Analysis

Dr. Reed Ferber, internationally recognized as an expert in running biomechanics and running injuries, provides an overview of the most recent research related to patellofemoral pain (PFP) and iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS). read more
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