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How do I keep ADE from downloading the same e-book every time I launch the program?

This is a problem that occurs because of where the My Digital Editions folder is stored.
Here are the steps for rectifying this situation:

  1. Check the file path for Documents/My Digital Editions; it has to reside on the hard drive. In many cases it is actually on a network drive, and that is a problem for Adobe Digital Editions.
  2. Close ADE.
  3. Go to Documents/My Digital Editions.
  4. Delete the .pdf for that e-book.
  5. Open Restore folder.
  6. Open Failed folder.
  7. Remove that e-book file(s).
  8. Open e-books folder.
  9. Remove that e-book file(s).
  10. Launch ADE.

Go to the Human Kinetics homepage. Select My e-Books from the My Account section and download the e-book.

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