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5 Rules for setting SMART goals
You may have learned about SMART goals in middle school. Here’s a quick review to help you remember the five rules for setting goals as you work your way through this book and set your own goals.
An example of energy conservation
Conservation involves the preservation, protection, and restoration of natural ecosystems. It is closely related to sustainability, which involves using a resource in such a way that it is not permanently damaged or depleted.
Common chronic diseases and what you can do now to avoid them
In the previous lesson you learned about infectious diseases such as the flu and cold. When you get the flu or catch a cold, you have an acute illness, or one that you get over within a relatively short time.
Introducing students to the HEAT Club
This lesson introduces students to the HEAT Club. The overarching goal for this unit is to help students understand that food is fuel for the body, much like gas is fuel for a car.
Learn the 5 steps of the Physical Activity Pyramid
National physical activity guidelines for youth developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.
Stages of Health Behavior
Researchers know that health behaviors can be changed. They also know that changes occur not all at once but in stages.
Teach your students the nuances of carbohydrate
You have probably heard about the debate over the value of carbohydrate, fueled by popular diets that drastically reduce foods with carbohydrate to promote weight loss.
Understanding energy expenditure or output
To truly understand energy balance, we have to start by understanding energy expenditure or output. Your body’s natural way of maintaining balance is to replenish the calories it uses.

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