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Work in groups lesson plan

This is an excerpt from Early Steps Physical Education Curriculum eBook by Evridiki Zachopoulou,Jarmo Liukkonen,Ian Pickup & Niki Tsangaridou.

Lesson 1

Work in Groups

Standard 1, Goal 1


At the end of the lesson, children will be able to

  • share the place and resources with others,
  • walk and kick a stationary ball,
  • run and kick a stationary ball,
  • kick a ball that is rolling,
  • kick a ball to a target, and
  • play small soccer games.


1 large ball per child


1. On an evaluative sheet, record how successful each child is while kicking a ball to a target.

2. Observe and record how cooperative each child is in a small soccer game.


Chasing Games (6 minutes)

Setup and Description

1. Divide the children into groups of four. Give each group a different vest or other item to identify teams. One child chases the other three. When the chasing person tags someone, that child becomes the chasing person.

2. All four members of a group chase the children in the other groups. Ask the children to count how many others they tag. The teams who tag the most children win. Change the chasing team so that all teams have the chance to chase the other teams.

Points of Emphasis

  • Remind the children to be careful during the game.
  • The children should not push each other.

Main Lesson: Individual, Partner, Group, and Game Activities

(32 minutes)

Individual Activity (6 minutes)

Setup and Description

1. The children each take a ball and line up facing one way, practicing kicking a stationary ball forwards. On your signal, they collect the balls. Repeat three to four times.

2. The children put the ball on the ground and walk and kick the ball. On your signal, they collect the balls. Repeat three or four times.

3. The children put the ball on the ground and run and kick the ball. On your signal, they collect the balls. Repeat three or four times.

Points of Emphasis

  • Encourage children to keep their eyes on the ball as they kick it.
  • Tell them to put their nonkicking foot alongside the ball and use the instep of the foot to kick the ball.
  • Ask them to try to make the instep face in the direction in which the ball is intended to travel.

Partner Activity (8 minutes)

Setup and Description

1. Ask the children to choose a partner and start kicking a stationary ball to the partner. The partner returns the ball in the same way.

2. The children put the ball on the ground and walk and kick the ball to the partner. The partner returns the ball in the same way.

3. The children put the ball on the ground and run and kick the ball to the partner. The partner returns the ball in the same way.

4. The partner rolls the ball and the other student kicks the moving ball back to the partner.

Point of Emphasis Ask the children to turn their foot so the inside of their foot faces the ball and their partner.

Group Activity (9 minutes)

Setup and Description

Organise the targets on the wall and arrange the cones or boxes and goals for each team.

1. In groups of four, the children practise kicking the ball at targets on a wall. Ask them to count how many successful efforts they had as a team.

2. In groups of four, the children practicing kicking the ball to hit an object such as a cone, small cardboard box, or milk carton. Ask them to count how many successful efforts they had as a team.

3. In groups of four, the children practise kicking the ball to score goals. Ask them to count how many successful efforts they had as a team.

Points of Emphasis

  • Ask the children to try to be accurate when they kick the balls.
  • Remind children to point their kicking foot towards the target to help send the ball straight to it.
  • Ask the children to bend the knee of their kicking leg just before they kick to give them a stronger kick. Ask them to point their kicking foot towards the target as they kick.

Game Activity (9 minutes)

Setup and Description

Divide the space into small soccer courts and put out goals for each game.

1. Ask the children to practise their soccer skills in a 2v2 game.

2. Have the children play a 4v4 soccer game.

Points of Emphasis

  • Ask the children to play as a team.
  • Ask them to count how many goals they make.

Conclusion (2 minutes)

Discuss the main emphasis of the lesson. Remind the children how important is to learn to work cooperatively with each other, especially in a game such as soccer.

This is an excerpt from Early Steps Physical Education Curriculum.

More Excerpts From Early Steps Physical Education Curriculum eBook